Where have all the Travel Kitties gone?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Janie Gugarumps reports her first road trip!

Well done Cyndi and Edison! Two states, one country and one continent on the list just like that! Check your progress on the "ListTravelin' Kitties" link on the side bar.

Janie Gugarumps reports her first road trip! Janie Gugarumps reports her first road trip!

Kitty Name:
Janie Gugarumps

North Carolina
Virginia (at North Carolina boarder)

What's the story?
TK Janie hanging out in 77 North in North Carolina on the way to her new home on Dec 25, 2007. Her view from here is fabulous!
TK Janie being Welcomed to Virginia on 77 North

Submitted by:
Cyndi and Edison


*This photo is part of the TRAVEL KITTY PROJECT


  1. that's a good vantage point for the kitty!
    I don't know, I've been nowhere in years except to work and driving children round...and these kitties - they go any place:)

  2. Yep, good spot. Never forget to take him traveling that way.


Thanks for participating in the Travel Kitty Project!